The founding group felt that, if they bring their efforts, resource and capacity together, they will able to access grass root communities and set up an environment where humanitarian organization can help the desperate local communities and alleviate the immense suffering prevailing in Somalia. The newly established SOADO NGO facilitatively participated in supporting the local communities and delivering emergencies during civil war, drought and famine crisis.
After the establishment, SOADO has been actively devised community based projects in Agropastoral, pastoral and riverine livelihood zones in southern Somalia. SOADO employed community participation approach for implementing projects with the partnership of international organization and donor support. SOADO signed and implemented range of project during its existence. Some of the projects implemented are emergency support to farmers (seed, tool, fertilizer, irrigation water pumps and land preparation), training of farmers on sustainable agriculture, primary health care services, nutrition intervention, WES Water and Environmental Sanitation, cash interventions (conditional/unconditional), rehabilitation of communal infrastructures and revolving fund for women and disabled groups.
SOADO has its headquarter in Mogadishu but has several sub-offices in Beletweyn, Jalalaqsi, Buloburto, Jowhar, Afgooye, Wanleweyne and Tayeeglow districts.
SOADO is one of the leading agencies in the country on the principles of conservation agriculture and integrated crop production practices and would like to be voice for combating hunger through sustainable agriculture in rural communities in Somalia.